David B. Ruderman's groundbreaking studies of Jewish intellectuals as they engaged with Renaissan...
The ersemma is one of two (possibly three) genres of literature written in the Sumerian Emesal di...
This philological commentary offers students a gateway to knowledge of Aramaic language and compa...
In this volume, students of beloved teacher B. Barry Levy come together to honor his erudition, s...
In this volume of essays, eminent Jewish scholars from around the world present introductions to ...
Defining Israel: The Jewish State, Democracy, and the Law is the first book in any language devot...
Jews in exile have often struggled for the protection of the highest governmental power, whether ...
What will hold American Jewry and Israel together as the traditional "e;crisis glue"e; me...
Piyyut is the art of Hebrew or Aramaic poetry composed either in place of or as adornments to Jew...
A major influence on the development of rabbinic liturgical custom after the destruction of the T...
First published in 1938, Jacob Rader Marcus's The Jews in The Medieval World has remained an indi...
The geographic, spiritual, and intellectual journeys of Nahum N. Glatzer (1903-1990)-prolific sch...