Jack Yang, orphaned during a horrific incident in the Tai Ping Revolution in China, and his frien...
What does it mean to have no place to call home, and no family to turn to?Manna, named for the ...
Kay wakes up on a floundering yacht. The Tasmanian coastline has receded, and her partner, Sam, h...
High school is hard enough when you're healthy. When you've got some weird, undiagnosable chronic...
When the supernova explodes, all life in the quadrant will end. Most flee, but numerous citizens,...
The eleven best entries from the Tasmanian Writers' Prize 2020 as judged by Lian Tanner, Cameron ...
A collection of bittersweet stories that ring with compassion, understanding and empathy. Written...
The ten best entries from the Tasmanian Writers' Prize 2021 as selected by Hilary Burden, Chris G...
The best of the VAN DIEMEN HISTORY PRIZE 2020-2021 selected by Dr Kristyn Harman, Prof Stefan Pet...