Creative activities for people with Alzheimers and other dementias in an easy-to-follow ...
The ultimate guide to starting and succeeding with an Alzheimers or memory cafe, the most innovat...
Baby Boomers, older folks and caregivers will gain valuable insights to help them get high qualit...
Life couldn't be better for ten-year old Ryan King. He spends his days playing video games, ridin...
The ultimate guide to starting and succeeding with an Alzheimer's or memory café, the most innova...
You hold in your hands no mere book, but a carefully crafted work of art. Each piece of fiction w...
Winter loves being Winter! He makes sparkly icicles and coats everything in a white blanket of sn...
Dr. Lokvig is known for practical and indispensable guidebooks for people involved in the dementi...
The Alzheimer's Creativity Project¿2 is the go-to resource for anyone interacting with people liv...