Book Title: Rekindling Love: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Your Man BackAre you longing to reig...
**Book Description:**In a world where the scars of abuse often remain hidden, "e;Reclaiming Y...
"e;Solidarity in Action: How to Support Israel on College Campuses"e; is a comprehensive ...
Title: Reclaiming Your Inner Strength: A Guide to Emotional Healing After DivorceDescription:&quo...
Title: Intersectionality in CriminologyBook Description:In a world that is increasingly recognizi...
Title: Evolution of AI as an Espionage Tool Now and in the FutureBook Description:In a rapidly ch...
Book Title: Navigating Co-Parenting After Divorce: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Healthy Rela...
Book Description:Title: "e;Personal Security: The Foundation for Global Security"e;In a w...
**Book Title: Hamas and International Relations: Allies and Alliances****Book Description:**In &q...
Book Description:In "e;Escaping the Shadows: A Legal and Financial Guide to Leaving Abusive P...
Book Title: "e;Children and Abuse: Navigating the Impact on Kids and Healing Together"e;B...