The world is facing an unprecedented public health emergency with the COVID-19 pandemic and we ar...
Mezinárodní koordinace sociálního zabezpe¿ení je p¿edpokladem pro plnou realizaci volného pohybu ...
With the title the Role of MSMEs in Achieving SDGs in Developing Economies. The case of Indonesia...
Predkladaná publikácia tvorí doplnok ku kni¿nému vydaniu pod názvom ¿Choroby hovädzieho dobytka'....
Competition law has become an important area of law due to the adoption of economic policies of p...
This study determined the conditions and opportunities offered within the school system along wit...
In this book, the author critically evaluates the (re)presentation of gender and sexuality in Zor...
In this comprehensive study on distributed optimization in multiagent systems, the authors presen...
En la 'Identificación del Riesgo Sistémico en la Banca Múltiple: Un Enfoque de Redes Bipartitas',...
La pensión de alimentos en el Perú una mirada desde la posición del alimentista es una tarea pend...
Explore the exciting frontiers of renewable energy through this innovative work. Following the tr...