Upon hearing this his old friend may be getting married, Tora runs home to steal his old teammate...
Ryoka has uncovered something unique about the "e;new reality"e; she has been reliving. B...
If you are ever fortunate enough to see a crab strolling through your neighborhood, please follow...
The latest version of Sai may be much more than it seems and Ryoka is uncertain of whether she an...
Winner of the 2019 Kono Manga Sugoi Award for Best Comic of the Year as selected by artists and c...
A twenty-something ne'er-do-well turns to the world of gambling to try to turn his life around.
In Today's Menu for the Emiya Family, instead of experiencing the fantasy and lore of Fate , we a...
College dropout Isao Komori wakes up one morning to find himself in the body of a high school gir...
Komori's apartment has led them to a dead-end. Yet, after days without a reasonable lead to Mari'...
It is becoming clear to Isao and Yori that finding Mari is going to take more time than expected....
All aboard! This book is your ticket to seven romances - from confessions in Iriuda to proposals ...