Hunted for treason and haunted by his past, Captain David Alexander attempts to unite the Explore...
Captain Alexander and the crew of the Evangeline continue their Commonwealth mission to make alli...
When her middle child decided to join the Marines, Linda began journaling her day to day experien...
The Supreme Executor of the Commonwealth, Luciano Hale, wants the traitorous crew of the Evangeli...
Capt. Alexander and his crew have abandoned the Commonwealth in favor of serving Pateras. Pateras...
Captain David Alexander commands an Explorer Class Starship known as the SS Evangeline. Their Com...
Drea III was approached by the Commonwealth with an invitation to join the galaxy's ruling body. ...
The Commonwealth Explorer Class Vessel, the SS Evangeline is tasked with a series of first contac...
Hunted for treason and haunted by his past, Captain David Alexander attempts to unite the Explore...
Captain Alexander and the crew of the Evangeline continue their Commonwealth mission to make alli...
Two stories, worlds apart, yet somehow connected. On the backward world of Galat, an inconsequent...
Christians are warriors for Christ, but we don't fight as the world fights. In 1839, English Auth...