The author traces his ancestry on his mother's side to the Putnam family of Salem Village, Massac...
A TIME MACHINE COULD TAKE US NO CLOSER! Synopsis of The Mule Shoe by Perry Trouche Give a nearsig...
The adventures continue as Aunt Lillian and David welcome Bobby Perkins into their home and decid...
Nobody wants to be a Nobody. Everybody wants to be a Somebody. The difference between a Nobody an...
In 1895 Liberal Catholics in America were struggling to maintain that one could be a good America...
Turco's short fiction has been appearing since 1965 in various publications. This volume is the f...
These letters vividly illustrate how liberal Catholics in 1895 America were struggling to maintai...
When he was a year out of high school Lewis Turco began publishing his poems in the national lite...
Rules of Hunger is a 'soul-satisfying' debut collection of poems which creates a 'mosaic of hard ...
As seen through the eyes of a child-observer whose Italian-American father runs a corner grocery ...