Art and narrative collide in this psychological thriller set around mysterious earthquakes o...
Tucker Davis, an eccentric teenager, runs against an energy executive for a school board sea...
Bill Porter, a.k.a Red Pine, connects modern China to its past in a riveting journey down th...
Nonfiction done a revolutionary new way--almost totally in dialogue--by a much-published mag...
Kate Lebo blends her passions—poetry and pie—into an irresistible mixture of high art, pop c...
A sweeping memoir about a foreign family's five generations as outsiders in Japan.
A visual punch of digitally rendered pop art that reconstructs American and Japanese iconogr...
This poignant novel depicts a Japanese woman and her American son” buffeted by t...
"e;Like a mournful fairytale, Jennifer Shaws beautifully staged tableaux are alternately swee...
This muckraking novel by one of Korea's greatest living writers portrays China at the dawn o...
This book brings to life the struggles of Korean immigrants in the Pacific Northwest through...
In a multimedia feast for the senses, this memoir-in-meals crosses the world investigating h...