Abbott Brayton follows up his successful debut novel, Outpost Scotland, with another historically...
Colonel David McKenna, a retired officer of the Black Watch, is recalled to active service to dev...
The 1998 Belfast Peace Agreement signals the end to thirty years of conflict in Northern Ireland....
A City with a Violent Past: The predominant hue of the city's colorful past is blood red, and res...
A comical commentary and inspirational insight into the foibles and follies of life.
A comical commentary and inspirational insight into the foibles and follies of life.
When Gráinne O'Connor is charged with the murder of two IRA volunteers freed from prison under th...
The first collection of poems by award-winning Irish-American poet KB Ballentine. Gathering Stone...
Abbott A. Brayton's first novel is set in Scotland's Western Highlands during the early stages of...
Poems and essays on leaving Ireland and living in North America.