Known by his friends as T-Lova, Terry Maddox is an intelligent and crafty individual who is deter...
Alternately humorous and poignant, this inspiring memoir chronicles the authors misadventures as ...
Lost in her quarter-life crisis, eccentric Bridget Quinn abandons her Vet School aspirations to o...
After a wicked Halloween showdown with the vigilante ghost of a Voodoo Priestess, clairvoyant Bri...
Como adultos no estamos conscientes de que nuestro niño interior mora todavía en nosotros y qu...
The inspiration behind The Discovery Channels "e;I Shouldn't be Alive "e; - "e;Trappe...
Angie Torino is a happy young wife living in upstate New York with two beautiful children and a h...
THE TRUE GOD is a book that will show you the character of God, explaining why He does certain th...
NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE deals with many issues in regard to a woman's role in the church plus man...
THE PATHWAY INTO THE OVERCOMER'S WALK deals with several thorny theological issues that eventuall...