In The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway, Jennifer L. Knox expands on her inimitable cast of charact...
An enticing second collection by Danielle Pafunda, MY ZORBA is a mysterious, memoirish confabulat...
'Shanna Compton captures the weird and dazzling collision between the suffering and the awe of co...
Warning: If you're looking to find out who Tina is, these poems won't help you very much. But if ...
Did somebody say Jen Knox's poems 'read like Richard Pryor with an MFA'? Yes, somebody did. (It w...
The fifth poetry collection by Danielle Pafunda, Natural History Rape Musuem centers around an un...
On the 50th anniversary of Ted Berrigan's and the 25th anniversary of Bernadette Mayer's, Bloof B...
In her second collection, Shanna Compton leads readers on a lightly satirical tour through variou...
Borrowing its title from an Ennio Morricone ditty in the spaghetti western Gunfight at Red Sands,...
Once upon a time, ancient glaciers oozed light through the general living room of America, scrapi...
BOUND: Volume OneSix Chapbooks by Six PoetsThe first in our series of annual compilations, Boun...
It's hard to resist using a game show announcer's voice when discussing Jennifer Knox's latest co...