Marcus Steel Gibson, a war-hero, returns to Freeland City to learn that his father, a prime polic...
Entering the unforgiving drug underworld of South Freeland, Sonny, a former narcotics cop, is rei...
Beck is a heroic story about a secret soldier who escapes the fiery skies of nineteen forty-five ...
Sonny returns in the violent continuation to the all-original police narrative where crime, justi...
After a stripper's body washes up on the cold streets of Freeland, Bobbi, the precinct's tenaciou...
In Granddaughter of Dust, brilliant debut poet Laura Williams presents a compelling collection of...
In her latest fairy tale collection, Shirl describes the one emotion all who breathe on this eart...
Cass doesn't know exactly why he can't get over his massive, hopeless crush on his roommate. It m...