Weinbaum's worlds are eight tales of action, adventure, and alien discovery that revolve around t...
In a future one thousand years from now, an echo of the Victorian past thrives. A future terrafor...
This textbook develops an 18-week program designed to guide prospective students through creating...
This textbook develops an 18-week program designed to guide prospective students through creating...
A future Mars, one thousand years from now, which has collapsed back into a Medieval age was the ...
This anthology aims to collect the best available speculative fiction short stories written by Ch...
In Animal Eye, the newest AI-controlled VR-RPG from Horizon Systems, Khin May and Jake sign on as...
A Shattered World combines three books that tell the story of Rejoice, a seemingly ordinary perso...
Quatorze das melhores histórias de Ficção Especulativa por autores Cristãos, unindo Ficção Cie...
Jebediah tiene un secreto que cambiará su mundo para siempre, y enviará a su gente al espacio....