The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet is an outstanding example of a seventeenth century London Cunning...
HEKATE - Keys to the CrossroadsA collection of personal essays, invocations, rituals, recipes and...
The Indo-Iranian Anahita is an ancient Persian Goddess, who became a Zoroastrian Yazata (or Angel...
In this unprecedented work, the author Christopher A. Smith has meticulously studied no less than...
Standing astride the British landscape looms the giant blue form of the Cailleach. Whether she is...
'The desire to understand magic in any specific cultural context is an intellectual puzzle not on...
Thracian Magic: past & present is a phenomenal volume of work by the Bulgarian author Georgi Mish...
At the crossroads of life, death and rebirth stands the Goddess Hekate. Honoured by men, women an...
Kali Kaula is a practical and experiential journey through the land of living magical art that is...
The influence of the Seven Wandering Stars or Deathless Powers - the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venu...
Living Theurgy is a masterpiece combining scholarly excellence with lucid practicality. Theurgy (...
'The four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth exist as spiritual essences, as philosophical co...