Explores the expressive powers of flowers in Asian arts and culture. Ties in with the 50th annive...
'Couture Korea highlights traditional ways of dressing and shows how contemporary haute couture i...
This lavishly illustrated catalogue of artworks from Thailand and Burma provides an introduction ...
Emerald Cities is a lavishly illustrated catalog of artworks from Thailand and Burma, and provide...
This charming book explores the legacies of five centuries of interaction between Asia and Europe
An exploration of the act of collecting and the cultural implications of a family collection in t...
Contains more than 100 highlights of the collection, along with detailed commentaries by Kumja Pa...
In 'Collector's Choice, Collector's Voice,' collectors who are members of a group associated with...
This book highlights the Chinese glass collections of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Dagan, Dr. Alan E. Feen...
A comprehensive introduction to the new Asian Art Museum in San Francisco's Civic Center
Fang Zhaoling was an engaging with a clear and compelling voice
An authoritative overview of the varied arts of Mewar; including 170 full-color illustrations