In 1984, a new vision of horror was unleashed upon terrified moviegoers-a razor-gloved bogeyman w...
The Zodiac Academy series from the Twisted Sisters and Amazon and Wall Street Journal #1 bestsell...
The Estate of Bob Crane and I both worked closely with Carol and Linda, and immeasurably apprecia...
The Estate of Bob Crane and I both worked closely with Carol and Linda, and immeasurably apprecia...
Did you ever have to move somewhere and leave your friends and family behind and you didn't want ...
Be careful - there's a monster in this book!Be warned: it contains the story of a boy who disco...
Be careful - there's a monster in this book!Be warned: it contains the story of a boy who disco...
Lay Your Head On The Pillow goes through the process of transitioning from the busyness of the da...
Lay Your Head on the Pillow goes through the process of transitioning from the busyness of the da...