Midnight Stories collects ten tales of small-town life with a macabre twist, including a business...
At a turning point in the Chinese Civil War, a secret codebreaking unit led by Chief Zeng is key ...
In these tales of bite-sized misdeeds, the 'boys' of Nanjing's underground literati spend their n...
*Late Spring *explores the jealousy, obsession, and desperation driving China's first 'me' genera...
My Thirty Years in China is a collection of autobiographies of select foreign pioneers of busines...
Imagine what it's like to effectively organize and develop a political party with over 65 million...
As the first Chinese female scientist to win a Nobel prize (in physiology or medicine) in 2015, w...
Many Western economists have predicted the coming collapse of China, but the world's second-large...
Scott Kronick is President and CEO of Ogilvy Public Relations, Asia Pacific. A 28-year veteran of...
A pictorial biography of Xiang Nan, an used major force in Fujian province of China, where he is ...
True stories about Ren Zhongyi, previous leader of Guangdong province of China and active player ...
Wan Li, one of China's revolutionary greats hailing from Shandong, operated at the highest level ...