Shima, a high school teacher, and Hikaru, now a college student, are currently lovers in a long-d...
Konosuke is the favored son of a noble family. When he is caught in a fire at the mansion, a blow...
Haru Akaishi's father has just died, leaving him an orphan at age 17. It seems his father was in ...
Akira is the lead vocalist of a popular band called CHARON. Hiroya Sunaga was a singer once befor...
Naoki was a bit of a loaner kid. He'd been picked on because of it, but the looks he's been getti...
Businessman Tazuki has a deep secret: twice a week, while on the bus to work, he has wildly dirty...
Ryuhei Ohno is determined to make a fresh start in high school. On the first day of class, he mee...
Narusawa and Naoki have returned from their romantic days in America. Busy schedules have kept th...
Rich and wild meets faulty beauty in this story of money and revenge! Kei-ichi Kuroda is a wealth...
Every time Shinobu and Ei-ichi see each other on campus at the university they start fighting. Bu...
Hisashi has admired top model Tomohito for years. His goal in modeling is to get a contract at th...
Junya and Atsu have scored a rare weekend away on a research trip to abeautiful hot spring! But w...