The first truly comprehensive and fully up-to-date critical introduction to the philo...
The following pages have been written at the request of many old friends, some of them co-workers...
Employing the concept of “layering,” this book seeks to rethink our relation to textu...
The first critical work to attempt the mammoth undertaking of reading Badiou''sBeing and Event...
The first critical work to attempt the mammoth undertaking of reading Badiou''sBeing and Event...
Aylan, Isis, Begum, Grenfell, Trump. Harambe, Guantanamo, Syria, Brexit, Johnson. COVID, migrants...
Aylan, Isis, Begum, Grenfell, Trump. Harambe, Guantanamo, Syria, Brexit, Johnson. COVID, migrants...
Logics of Worlds stands as one of the most important texts in contemporary thought. Concei...
Logics of Worlds stands as one of the most important texts in contemporary thought. Concei...
Since the publication of Homo Sacerin 1995, Giorgio Agamben has become one of the world's most re...
Since the publication of Homo Sacer Giorgio Agamben has become one of the world's most revered an...