Die baptistische Bewegung ist eine nach-reformatorische Kirche in der reformatorischen Traditi...
Liebe, Macht und Wahnsinn - darum drehen sich die großen Tragödien von William Shakespeare. Anläs...
The fields of organizational climate and organizational culture have co-existed for several de...
Prominente Historiker und Philosophen beantworten die Frage: Was ist historische Zeit?
An annotated English translation of the autobiography of Polish microbiologist Ludwik Hirszfeld (...
The fields of organizational climate and organizational culture have co-existed for several de...
This book presents both the fundamentals concepts and latest achievements of a field that is grow...
This book presents both the fundamentals concepts and latest achievements of a field that is grow...
The Bible's grand narrative about Israel's Exodus from Egypt is central to Biblical religion, Jew...
An examination of how garbage reveals the relationships between the global and the local, the eco...