In 1972-73, Barney Childs embarked on an ambitious attempt to survey the landscape of new America...
An exploration of the meaning of 'modernist' music.
This exciting new edition includes every piano rag written by William Bolcom and matches the reco...
The Garden of Eden was originally published in its solo piano version in 1974. The four rags that...
(Vocal Collection). For Medium Voice and Piano. Another outstanding collection of 'theatre-poetry...
Winner of the 1988 Pulizter Prize. Contents: Butterflies, Hummingbirds (Bk II) * Fast, Furious (B...
(Vocal Collection). This is a collection of 12 songs primarily for the classical singer to perfor...
This edition for advanced organists corrects and combines all of Bolcom's gospel preludes. Includ...
(E.B. Marks). Previously available in separate volumes, the original 24 Cabaret Songs have been c...
(E.B. Marks). Bolcom used the musical papers and sketches from the late William Albright as the b...
Four-movement chamber work with each movement focusing on a fantastical tale, including: a love a...