Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada's h...
Struggling for Perfection is the story of the famous pianist, an enigmatic figure who made some o...
Jacque Plante, the first NHL goalie to regularly wear a protective facemask, won the Vezina Tr...
Chapleau answers more than 120 questions in this ideal companion for wine lovers, whether begi...
Struggling for Perfection is the story of the famous pianist, an enigmatic figure who made som...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
Gould (1932-1982), a brilliant pianist who disliked performing and craved solitude, quit the c...
By taking on more than 120 judiciously chosen questions about wine and answering them clearly and...
Jacque Plante, the first National Hockey League goalie to regularly wear protective facemask, was...
Jacque Plante, the first NHL goalie to regularly wear a protective facemask, won the Vezina Troph...
Gould (1932-1982), a brilliant pianist who disliked performing and craved solitude, quit the conc...
Struggling for Perfection is the story of the famous pianist, an enigmatic figure who made some o...