The major goals of quantum chemistry include increasing the accuracy of the results for small mol...
This volume contains peer-reviewed chapters and original research on chemistry and its broad rang...
This new book presents research results on the quantum-chemical calculation of linear olefins of ...
Quantum chemistry is a branch of theoretical chemistry, which applies quantum mechanics and quant...
The major goals of quantum chemistry include increasing the accuracy of the results for small mol...
Monografiya posvyashhena problemam global'noj gidrologii, svyazannym s izucheniem vliyaniya ciklo...
Monografiya posvyashhena problemam global'noj gidrologii,svyazannym s izucheniem vliyaniya ciklon...
Monografiya posvyashhena problemam global'noj gidrologii, svyazannym s izucheniem vliyaniya ciklo...
Predstavleny svedeniya o ciklonicheskoj deyatel'nosti, atmosfernyh osadkah i rechnom stoke v bass...
Predstawleny swedeniq ob odnoj iz wazhnejshih geograficheskih sfer Zemli ¿ gidrosfere. Rassmotren...
This volume contains peer-reviewed chapters and original research on chemistry and its broad rang...