Targeted at graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the field of science and engineer...
This comprehensive textbook covers both classical and geometric aspects of optimization using met...
This comprehensive textbook covers both classical and geometric aspects of optimization using met...
In einem Genie wie R. K. Narayan - dem Romancier - kann man bestimmte Aspekte entdecken, die bish...
In a genius like R. K. Narayan- the novelist, one may discover certain aspects which have been so...
V takom genii, kak R.K. Naraqn - romanist, mozhno otkryt' dlq sebq nekotorye aspekty, kotorye do ...
Em um gênio como R. K. Narayan, o romancista, pode-se descobrir certos aspectos que têm sido até ...
Chez un génie comme le romancier R. K. Narayan, on peut découvrir certains aspects qui ont été ju...
W geniuszu takim jak R. K. Narayan- powie¿ciopisarz, mo¿na odkry¿ pewne aspekty, które do tej por...
In un genio come R. K. Narayan, il romanziere, si possono scoprire certi aspetti che sono stati f...
In een genie als R.K. Narayan- de romanschrijver, kan men bepaalde aspecten ontdekken die tot nu ...