Piper is the representative genus of family Piperaceae. Piper species are pan-tropical in distrib...
Withania is a genus of the nightshade family of flowering plants distributed in the subtropical r...
Withania is a genus of the nightshade family of flowering plants distributed in the subtropical r...
Cassia is an indigenous plant in Africa, Latin America, Northern Australia and Southe...
Tinospora cordifolia stem is used as a tonic, vitalizer, and as a remedy for metabolic disorders ...
Rauvolfia species, commonly known as Sarpagandha, has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for cur...
Piper is the representative genus of family Piperaceae. Piper species are pan-tropical in distrib...
Piper betle (betel vine) a pan-Asiatic, tropical plant, which can also grow under mild subtropica...
Ocimum species has been used as a traditional remedy for various ailments such as art...
Ocimum species has been used as a traditional remedy for various ailments such as art...
Rauvolfia species, commonly known as Sarpagandha, has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for cur...
Piper betle (betel vine) a pan-Asiatic, tropical plant, which can also grow under mild subtropica...