A dark spirit haunts an isolated Norfolk retreat in this unsettling and sinister historical horro...
The debut novel from Verity Holloway, Pseudotooth is an adult take on 'portal fantasy', boldly ta...
Verity Holloway’s nineteenth-century cousin Thomas Holloway’s patent medicine empire ...
A dark spirit haunts an isolated Norfolk retreat in this unsettling and sinister historical horro...
A powerful fifth book in the horror anthology series which Booklist called "e;Highly recommen...
Saint Silvan is a miracle. Since he died two-thousand years ago, not one atom of his beautiful bo...
'The dissection of the unexplained, I believe, is the scientist's anchor. Like inclement weather,...
From the editor of This Dreaming Isle, and in collaboration with Together for Mental Wellbeing, a...
Beryl Gore is a lonely orphan living and working at the Palace Theater in London. Night after nig...