Die Geschichte der Großverlegerfamilie Amberville über zwei Generationen, ihrem privaten und gesc...
Edles Hardcover-Regelwerk in schwarzem Kunstleder gebunden. Auf 382 Seiten findest du alle Regeln...
In chaotic times, a deep breath can bring calm to your classroom.p...
Pressures for transformational change have become a regular feature of most fields of human en...
From climate change to GM foods, we are increasingly confronted with complex, interconnected s...
This book highlights the progress—or lack thereof—in media regarding portrayals of women, across ...
This collection of enlightening and stimulating articles, written by some of the most important f...
What should we learn from Limonov, the novelized portrait of the famous Russian writer and politi...
Savais-tu qu’il existe plusieurs sortes d’intelligence?Eh oui! C’est vrai! Et personne au monde n...
Ce livre explore différents vécus traversés par l’expérience de la mort et du deuil. Un collectif...
Avec la nouvelle Loi sur le patrimoine culturel, il est désormais possible de protéger un paysage...
The drive for change has informed human endeavour throughout history. From fields to factories...