Die 11-jährige Polina lebt bei ihrer boshaften Tante und ihrem fiesen Cousin, die sie ständig sch...
For every galaxy in the field or in clusters, there are about three galaxies in groups. The Mi...
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For every galaxy in the field or in clusters, there are about three galaxies in groups. The Mi...
For every galaxy in the field or in clusters, there are about three galaxies in groups. The Mi...
The book is devoted to the methods of computer-aided design for the devices of physical electroni...
The book reviews all aspects of the device, application areas and computer design of microchannel...
This monograph is a revised and extended version of the Russian edition from 1978. It inclu...
This monograph is a revised and extended version of the Russian edition from 1978. It includes th...
A graphic novel anthology focused on the consequences of war, peace and relief, and mental health...
A graphic novel anthology focused on the consequences of war, peace and relief, and mental health...