Ihre Forschungsarbeit über Beschwichtigungssignale bei Hunden und Wölfen hat die Norwegerin Turid...
Barking is more than just noiseBarking is natural and almost all dogs bark. It is one of the many...
Norwegian dog trainer and behaviorist Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language, not...
Is walking your dog a tug-of-war? At last, a simple way to teach your dog to walk on a leash with...
Drawing on research into how dogs naturally rear their young, and how dogs have evolved to behave...
How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obed...
How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obed...
In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Bild des Sozialpartners Hund in unserer modernen Gesellschaft ...
Turid Rugaas wurde durch ihre Forschungsarbeit über die Beschwichtigungssignale der Hunde in alle...
One of our all time best selling books is now in its second edition with three additional chapter...