Marty erfolgloser Autor in Hollywood, braucht dringend ein paar Anregungen für sein neues Drehbuc...
This is a must-have supplement for pre-med, nursing, and medical science students, and anyone els...
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's.More...
Demystified is your vaccine for tricky subjects like microbiologyIf you don't know your prokaryot...
Jack Wheatcroft (1925–2016) had a transformative impact on five decades of Bucknell stud...
Life's changes. They happen every day. Some large, some small. A few are very personal. Others im...
What if you could have an audience with ten successful humans who have inspired millions of follo...
Eine Kampftruppe des Ku-Klux-Kans wird verdächtigt, einen jüdischen Radiomoderator ermordet zu ha...
He's a young artist obsessed with myths. But can he fix his own fate? Acclaimed author Betsy Fran...
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?
Demystified is your vaccine for tricky subjects like microbiologyIf you don't know your prokaryot...