Art and narrative collide in this psychological thriller set around mysterious earthquakes o...
Illustrated throughout with beautiful calligraphy, The Fourth Treasure is an original, surprising...
Tina Suzuki has just begun her first year of graduate study. Born and raised in San Francisco by ...
Twin cases entangle and drag a morose yet shrewd Japanese private detective into the shadowy...
In this genre-bending, speculative historical novel set in Europe at the height of the Age of Enl...
In this genre-bending, speculative historical novel set in Europe at the height of the Age of Enl...
Pulsing with intrigue, full of provocative ideas, the novel Autumn Wind, Weeps alternates between...
Prestigious Tokyo art curator Keizo Yukawa is hired by robotics magnate, Ichiro Ono, to create a ...
Prestigious Tokyo art curator Keizo Yukawa is hired by robotics magnate, Ichiro Ono, to create a ...
Pulsing with intrigue, full of provocative ideas, the novel Autumn Wind, Weeps alternates between...