Zwielichtige Machenschaften wie Drogenhandel und Geldwäsche, Mordkomplotte, illegale Intervention...
Wieder liefert Tim Weiner, der Geheimdienstexperte und Pulitzer-Preisträger, eine packende und ei...
Mitreißend beschreibt der Bestseller-Autor und Pulitzer-Preisträger Tim Weiner den Aufstieg und F...
All-powerful, brilliant, decisive, ruthlessly effective this is the image of the CIA as portray...
The hidden history of the FBI and its hundred-year war against terrorists, spies, and anyone it d...
Zwielichtige Machenschaften wie Drogenhandel und Geldwäsche, Mordkomplotte, illegale Intervention...
The epic, disturbing story of how the FBI is America's real secret service'Such creatures of pass...
Cei mai mulți cred că principala sarcină a FBI-ului constă în combaterea infracționalității, d...
With shocking revelations that made headlines in papers across the country, Pulitzer-Prize-winner...
The remarkable story of the last American spy of the Cold War: Aldrich “Rick” Ames, t...