When we encounter human suffering or personal tragedy, Christians and non-Christians alike utter ...
Part of the Christian Worldview Integration SeriesWhether setting about to love our neighbor, to ...
Is your marriage under attack?Sometimes it can feel like the world is trying to tear your marriag...
What's the forecast for your marriage? Marriages are as variable as the weather, and every m...
Christianity Today Book of the Year award of MeritWe generally assume that those sitting around u...
Think of it this way . . .Our beliefs are challenged from many directions. Every day it seems mor...
How do we communicate with people who disagree with us?In today's polarized world, friends a...
- Christianity Today's 2018 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Apologetics EvangelismHow are ...
When was the last time you had a real & meaningful conversation? What has happened to our society...
Every day it seems more difficult to explain to others what we believe and why. When our argument...
What's the forecast for your marriage? Marriages are as variable as the weather, and every marria...
What could be more natural, more human, than communication? But we all learn quickly enough that ...