Thor Heyerdahl war überzeugt: Die polynesische Kultur hat ihren Ursprung in Peru. Doch konnten...
Am going to cross Pacific on a wooden raft to support a theory that the South Sea islands were pe...
Etnolog și explorator, Thor Heyerdahl a devenit cunoscut în lumea întreagă câ...
Now a major motion picture, Kon-Tiki is the record of Thor Heyerdahls astonishing three-month voy...
The adventure of Thor Heyerdahl and his companions on their raft the Kon-Tiki has gone down in le...
Kon-tiki fue el nombre de la balsa utilizada por el explorador noruego Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002)...
'Die Zukunft ist hier!' 1991 beobachtet die ganze Welt ein Experiment: Acht visionäre Wissenschaf...
The story of the Pacific journey by six men on a raft in search of the path taken by Kon-Tiki, a ...
Motivieren, individualisieren, Selbstkontrolle ermöglichen - so festigen Ihre Schüler ihr Wissen ...
* Strong ecological themes plus a romantic dream fulfilled in this autobiographical account by th...
Bahsettiginiz cocuk iste bu Beyim, dedi Reas. Su an gözünüze kötü görünebilir ama onu bir de yika...
Pasifik Okyanusunda 101 gün süren olaganüstü bir yolculugun hikayesi... Norvecli antropolog Thor ...