The 19th century was a pivotal period in Western history, marked by a revolutionary phase involvi...
The term Romanesque, however imprecise, is a useful key to our understanding of a period of profo...
This is a concise edition of The Encyclopedia of Visual Art: Egypt (978-1-56649-970-5) also publi...
The art of painting frescos has extraordinarily ancient roots, dating back to civilizations from ...
The definition of the Baroque age is still subject to debate among critics and historians. In one...
The immense expanse that opens up between Asia and the coast of America constitutes an ancient an...
This is a concise edition of The Visual Encyclopedia of Art: African Art, also published by Welco...
The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the great variety of styles, materials and ...
At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century the Art Nouveau movement intr...