La Alfabetización informacional es la capacidad de las personas para acceder, evaluar y usar la i...
Un campo poco aprovechado para la enseñanza de la lectura en la escuela primaria es el proceso de...
Modern Tagalog expands on the descriptions and lessons in Tagalog Structures and is illustrated w...
'Conversational Tagalog' is an introductory-level text that was created for adult foreign second ...
This dictionary is a compilation of 4,000 Tagalog roots, affixes, stems, compounds, and idioms.
This text approaches the grammar of Tagalog through an examination of word formation, sentence co...
This handbook can be used by both beginning and advanced students of Tagalog. It is organized for...
Here is a concise, easy-to-understand supplement to textbooks in beginning- and advanced-level Ta...