On May 21, 1991, popular University of Chicago Divinity School Professor Ioan Culianu was murdere...
We live in a time of unprecedented scientific knowledge about the origins of life on Earth. But i...
People have searched for the fountain of youth everywhere from Bimini to St. Augustine. But for a...
Programmable Planet is a grand tour through the world of synthetic biology, telling the st...
'Entschlossener denn je führt der brillanteste aller TV-Detektive seinen Kampf gegen das Verbrech...
'Steht alles am richtigen Platz? Kein Staubkorn zu sehen? Dann kann es ja losgehen: Dieses Mal mu...
'Als Monks Frau ermordet wird, hat dies schwere Folgen für seine Psyche. Geplagt von diversen Pho...
This book takes readers into the latest discoveries about early microbial life, where findings fr...
Programmable Planet is a grand tour through the world of synthetic biology, telling the stories o...