This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely wi...
A work on turbulent premixed combustion is important because of increased concern about the envir...
Nobody asked: What was she like? Venus? By daylight? And if they had, what could I have said? For...
Maruti took a newspaper package from his khaki satchel and handed it to Lalli . . . There was a w...
Sita, detective Lalli s niece and occasional Watson runs into former classmate Anais at Mumbai ai...
A pup with ESP, a benign elephant, a kidnap and a Secret Service led by the famous Rani of Bandal...
A complete, full-color clinical manual and review of TEEClinical Manual and Review of Transesopha...
In the eighteenth century, audiences in Great Britain understood the term slavery to refer to a r...