In The American Civil War on Film and TV: Blue and Gray in Black and Whi...
The book presents the possibilities and realities of virtual worlds in education through the appl...
Restorative practice (RP) has been successfully implemented in schools for decades and is primari...
Reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism, from theoretical perspectives to the histo...
Mit dieser kleinen Katze wird Lesen ein magisches Vergnügen!Dieses bez...
Mit dieser kleinen Katze wird Lesen ein magisches Vergnügen!Dieses bez...
Open the floodgates to mission-worthy change in your congregation, creating a spiritual force tha...
This book showcases contemporary examples of three-dimensional virtual world use for Internet and...
The economic links arising from tourism that now exist between what used to be regarded as 'devel...
Ted and Ava love everything about tigers, and are excited to visit the safari park. When they dis...
Over the last several decades, neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists, and psycholinguists have...
How might the Christian church effectively engage todays politically charged, profit-motivated wo...