Armed with a new, prestigious title and his family and friends still at his side, vampire Christi...
In the vampire nation, the civil war Christian Brookwater sought to prevent has become a harsh re...
Christian Brookwater is a former Georgia plantation slave who became a vampire during the 1860s. ...
When two Brooklyn horror writers meet up for drinks and a little adventure they end up in a lot m...
The sequel to the award-winning 'Hell At The Way Station' with Marc Abbot and Steven Van Patten r...
Ray Munns and Jacob Pasino are champion West Coast marijuana growers. Take their expertise home n...
After being forced to fake her death,Kendra the Killer Genius was going totake a break from terro...
Imagine if you lived in a world where you couldn't be racist, sexist, an uneducated bully or even...
A city under siege by invisible killers turns to a team of heroes for salvation.A father, accused...