Genre and Hollywood provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of genre.In this importa...
Genre and Hollywood provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of genre. In this importan...
The Classical Hollywood Reader brings together essential readings to provide a history of Hollywo...
The Classical Hollywood Reader brings together essential readings to provide a history of Hollywo...
Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik take as their starting point the remarkable diversity of comedy's f...
Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik take as their starting point the remarkable diversity of comedy's f...
A comprehensive overview of the film industry in Hollywood today, Contemporary Hollywood Cinema b...
Genre and Hollywood provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of genre. In this importan...
A comprehensive overview of the film industry in Hollywood today, Contemporary Hollywood Cinema b...
Considers the history of the American blockbuster the large-scale, high-cost film as it evolved f...
Steve Neale and Frank Krutnik take as their starting point the remarkable diversity of comedy's f...
Silent Features is a collection of essays on seventeen feature-length silent films an...