'In der heutigen Welt fehlt es vielen Menschen an Möglichkeiten, sich sicher zu fühlen. Dies kann...
'Im vorliegenden Buch sollen die seit der Publikation des ersten Buches über die Polyvagal-Theori...
In diesem Buch stellen Kliniker, die sich um die Anwendung von Erkenntnissen der Polyvagal-Theori...
This book compiles, for the first time, Stephen W. Porges's decades of research. A leading expert...
The best-selling book on the topic—now in 13 languages. This practical guide to understandi...
An innovative panic solution that has been proven to work better than the currently standard appr...
This innovative book brings together a wide range of therapeutic approaches, techniques and model...
The polyvagal theory explains the biological origins of a variety of social behaviours and emotio...
Written for all therapists who want to understand this groundbreaking theory as it might actually...
This comprehensive edited collection brings together accomplished therapists, including those who...