This collection of Alaskan adventures begins with a newspaper article written by John Muir during...
Alaska, with its Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut heritage, its century of Russian colonization, its peo...
Saluting an era of adventure and knowledge seeking, fifteen original essays consider the motivati...
Alaska often looms large as a remote, wild place with endless resources and endlessly independent...
No American state is more antistatist than Alaska. And no state takes in more federal money per c...
No American state is more antistatist than Alaska. And no state takes in more federal money per c...
In An Alaska Anthology, twenty-five contemporary scholars explore the region's pivotal events, si...
Saluting an era of adventure and knowledge seeking, fifteen original essays consider the motivati...
Frigid Embrace explores how the drive to extract natural resources has shaped Alaskans' understan...
This collection of Alaskan adventures begins with a newspaper article written by John Muir during...
Alaska has not evolved in a vacuum. It has been part of larger stories: the movement of Native pe...
'Alaska, an American Colony traces Alaska's development from the early postcontact period through...