In this compelling book Stanley G. Payne offers the first comprehensive narrative of Soviet and C...
This is the first account in any language of the civil wars in Europe during the era of the world...
This book presents a new history of the most important conflict in European affairs during the 19...
This book focuses on the short but crucial period that led to the collapse of the Spanish Republi...
A q-clan with q a power of 2 is equivalent to a certain generalized quadrangle with a family o...
While the statisticians are trying to knock a few tenths off the statistical error, says Mr. Payn...
This monumental book offers a comprehensive history and analysis of Republican political life dur...
This book presents a new history of the most important conflict in European affairs during the 19...
This is the first account in any language of the civil wars in Europe during the era of the world...
This monumental book offers a comprehensive history and analysis of Republican political life dur...
These studies examine the ways in which succeeding democratic regimes have dealt with, or have ig...
These studies examine the ways in which succeeding democratic regimes have dealt with, or have ig...