Genna Sosonko is widely acclaimed as the most prominent chronicler of a unique era in chess histo...
The Reliable Past is the eagerly awaited sequel to Russian Silhouettes, Genna Sosonko's marvellou...
As a respected trainer who became a world-class chess grandmaster after leaving Leningrad and mov...
width '663' width '663' The legendary chess players that ...
Viktor Korchnoi was one of the leading grandmasters of the 20th century, coming within one game o...
Half a century ago I left a country, the red color of which dominated a large portion of the worl...
Genna Sosonko is widely acclaimed as the most prominent chronicler of a unique era in ch...
In his third full-length memoir about one of the world's greatest ever chess players Genna Sosonk...
Half a century ago I left a country, the red color of which dominated a large portion of the worl...