';Her (Oscar) Wilde Heart' is for those with art and poetry scrawled in their heart and a wry sen...
Ah love! It ignites fires in hearts and flutters butterflies in bellies of the smitten world over...
"e;We are artists and poets; we are everyday people. We are crowds and loneliness wrapped up ...
Cameron Shearer's life as a police officer is put on hold when the Del Rossi mob demands restitut...
One of Iowa's most prominent criminal attorneys, Joci Dorous is ruthless and devoid of emotion in...
'Her (Oscar) Wilde Heart' is for those with art and poetry scrawled in their heart and a wry sens...
When the girl next door returns home as a millionaire to face the farmer who never lost hope, she...
Ah love! It ignites fires in hearts and flutters butterflies in bellies of the smitten world over...