Imagine a world in which nature has lost patience with humanity. The wild is done waiting for hum...
My name is Dylan Taylor, human incarnation of the burning dumpster gif, and this is my life.I a...
'I let the mask fall away from my face. I let them see me. Dylan Taylor. Chatterbox. Mutant and m...
'Then understand this. I want to shoulder that burden for others. I want Quietus to break against...
'This was one more hit in a long and dirty fight. I'm exhausted and useless, but I don't know how...
We saved the world.We found a home.But our problems aren't close to over.The English countryside ...
There's an entity that lives within our planet, and she's recently become infected with a bioweap...
'I spent my life dreaming of being invited to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Turns out ir...
Weapon UwU - who'd expect us to be a team of deadly mutant assassins with a name like that?