In Walking in Space: Development of Space Walking Techniques, David Shayler provides a comprehens...
With the aid of unique photographs, first-hand interviews and historical resources, Rex Hall, Dav...
MARSWALK ONE: First Steps on a New Planet addresses the question of why we should embark on a ...
Praxis Log of Manned Spaceflight 1961-2006 will open with a section entitled: Quest for Space,...
Space exploration has developed from early, unmanned space probes through the pioneering years...
This book discusses over 40 recent spaceflights from September 2006 through September 2012, a tim...
Mounting pressure in the early 1960s from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to study ways...
The highly successful Hubble Space Telescope was meant to change our view and understanding of th...
This book tells the story of the four missions to maintain Hubble's successful operation. Be...
Resulting from the authors' deep research into these two pre-Shuttle astronaut groups, many intri...
How could the newly authorized space shuttle help in the U.S. quest to build a large research sta...
The creation and utilization of the International Space Station (ISS) is a milestone in space exp...