Current research revolves around trends to bring technology into harmony with the natural envi...
This book covers such topics as recent techniques of extraction, isolation and structural elucida...
This edited book provides a comprehensive and a reliable source of information on all major areas...
Since the beginning of human civilization, plants have been our true companions. Plants contribut...
Current research revolves around trends to bring technology into harmony with the natural envi...
The rural people of India also constitute tribal people, who are the children of nature and who m...
Since the beginning of human civilization, plants have been our true companions. Plants contribut...
Current research revolves around trends to bring technology into harmony with the natural envi...
'Women are the priority in the field of agriculture. The majority of smallholder farmers in India...
In many traditional societies, girls are prevented from attaining their full potential because of...
This edited book provides a comprehensive and a reliable source of information on all major areas...
In vielen traditionellen Gesellschaften werden Mädchen daran gehindert, ihr Potenzial voll auszus...